Hogeweg 77
2201 AN Noordwijk

T. +31 651 111 418

BioLegal brings knowledge, technology & networks together

Public and private organizations face major challenges in the upcoming years. Ambitious sustainable development goals (SDGs) aim to end the unequal distribution of resources. We assist organizations in achieving this goal by bringing knowledge, new technologies and people together.

We believe in interdependence and autonomy, with entrepreneurship and equal opportunities as key enablers. We discuss the application of distributed ledger technologies (eg. blockchain/smart contracts), IOT, AI, biotechnology and satellites in existing processes and value chains. We engage important organizations and assess together in what way the current contribution to a sustainable society can be increased without unnecessarily disrupting it.

BioLegal has extensive expertise in international law and regulations, agribusiness, biotechnology, procurement, food security, sustainability, partnerships, SDGs, blockchain strategy and (social) entrepreneurship. Our advisors cooperate with you to develop a sustainability strategy and to optimize results. With a clear vision and a pragmatic approach, we bring complex themes back to solid solutions and/or contracts.